DB Version Enhancement Release

Release Date: 12/21/2011

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 12/21/2011.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

IRS 1099 Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

TransNet Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Accounts Payable

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/2/2011


1. For sole proprietors, the IRS requires you to report the individual's name on the first payee name line of the 1099 and gives you the option of including a DBA (Doing Business As) name on the second payee name line. We have added the DBA field to the Maintain Vendor screen. This field populates the second payee name line of the 1099. (Case 331)

Path: Main Menu > Vendor > View Accounts Payable Vendors screen > Maintain Vendor screen > Main tab

Bug Report

1. When importing invoices from purchase orders, there was sometimes a long delay between steps 2 and 3 of the Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard. This has been corrected. (Case 1330)

Path: Main Menu > Invoice >Maintain Open Invoices screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Import From PO > Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard

Fixed Assets

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/12/2011


1. We have added the Posted Depreciation column to the Posted Depreciation Report. (Case 1632)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Fixed Asset Reports screen > Posted Depreciation Report

Bug Report

1. When you added an asset, the program would incorrectly allow a blank (null) salvage value. A blank salvage value would then cause monthly depreciation to calculate incorrectly for that asset. This has been corrected, so that salvage value cannot be blank. If you do not enter a salvage value, the salvage value defaults to zero. (Case 1920)

Path: Main Menu > Assets > Browse Assets screen > Add icon > Add New Record Wizard (Step 2) > Salvage Per Item field

General Ledger

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/15/2011

Bug Reports

1. If you assigned a specific account number (as opposed to an account mask) to an allocation, an error would occur when you used that allocation in General Ledger, Accounts Payable, or Check Reconciliation. This has been corrected. (Case 1457)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Maintain Ledger Settings Menu screen > Allocations > Browse Allocations screen > Maintain Allocation screen > Allocation Details tab

2. Users sometimes received a "cannot find 'set security'" error message when accessing the Maintain Bank Account screen in Setup. This has been corrected. (Case 1994)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Maintain Ledger Settings Menu screen > Bank Accts > Select Bank Account screen > Maintain Bank Account screen

IRS 1099

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/29/2011


1. For sole proprietors, the IRS requires you to report the individual's name on the first payee name line of the 1099 and gives you the option of including a DBA (Doing Business As) name on the second payee name line. We have added the DBA field to the Maintain Vendor screen of the Accounts Payable program. This field populates the second payee name line of the 1099. (Case 331)


1. We have added the IRS 1099 Error Check Report to the wizards that gather 1099 submission information. This is an exception report showing any payees with missing or invalid Tax ID Numbers or with missing name or address information. Previously, a separate error message would appear in the wizards for each payee with invalid or missing information. (Case 1142)

Path: Main Menu > Gather > Browse IRS 1099 Payer screen > Add icon > Gather Submission Information Wizard

Path: Main Menu > Gather > Browse IRS 1099 Payer screen > Browse IRS 1099 Payee screen > Add icon drop-down list > Add Auto Form > Gather IRS 1099-MISC from Vendor or Landlord Wizard

2. We have enhanced the Pre 1099 report to include 1099 boxes 13,14,15a, 15b,16,17, and 18. (Case 1143)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Pre 1099 Report

3. On the Setup IRS 1099 Transmitter screen, we have automatically set the default tax year to 2011. (Case 1131)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Transmitter > Setup IRS 1099 Transmitter screen > Default Tax Year field

Bug Reports

1. An error in the View filter option on the Browse IRS 1099 Payer screen caused payers for all payment years to show for both the Current and History views. This has been corrected. (Case 1130)

Path: Main Menu > Gather > Browse IRS 1099 Payer screen > View drop-down list

2. When you ran the Pre 1099 Report ordered by Recipient Last Name, the Payee Name column sometimes overflowed into the SSN/TIN column. This has been corrected. (Case 1132)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Pre 1099 Report > Report Order By: Recipient Last Name

3. If two owners/payees had similar names, but different Tax ID Numbers (one had a Social Security Number and one had an Employee Identification Number), the information for both was sometimes combined on the Pre 1099 Report. This has been corrected. (Case 1134)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Pre 1099 Report

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version: 1.354.11.0

Program Date: 12/20/2011


1. An error in handicapped expense sometimes caused PIC to return a fatal error. This has been corrected.(Case 853)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Expenses tab

2. Some HUD field offices have advised agencies to use zero as the percentage rate for passbook savings. We have changed the Passbook Percentage field in Setup to allow a value of zero. (Case 1187)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab


1. In the Add Certifications Wizard, we have enhanced the Batch Certification Detail Report to show a count of certifications created. (Case 1565)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Add icon > Batch Certifications screen > Batch Add Certifications > Add Certifications Wizard (Step 2) > Batch Certification Detail Report

2. On the Undo Batch Certifications screen, we have added a Print button that lets you view or print the Batch Certification Detail Report. (Case 1565)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Add icon > Batch Certifications screen > Undo Batch Certifications > Undo Batch Certifications screen

3. When creating a certification that requires a payment standard and utility allowance for a Section 8 tenant, the Begin Certification Wizard will automatically pull in the value for Payment Standard from the Fair Market Rent (FMR)/Payment Standard table that is associated with the selected unit. If you select a different FMR/Payment Standard table in the wizard, the Payment Standard will be updated from the newly selected FMR/Payment Standard. If you override the FMR/Payment Standard that is selected, you can override any automatically entered value for the Payment Standard, as before. The Utility Allowance Profile set for the unit will also automatically set the Utility Allowance amount in the wizard. You can also override this amount. (Cases 788 and 789)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add icon > Begin Certification Wizard (Step 4) : FMR Code, Payment Standard, and Utility Allowance fields

(FMR/Payment Standard tables and Utility Allowance Profiles are maintained in the Setup area of the Rent Reasonableness program.)

4. You can now choose to mask Social Security Numbers on the Summary Application Report. Masked SSNs show in the format XXX-XX-1234. (Case 1030)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Summary Application report

To mask SSNs on this report, you must set the oMaskSSN policy in Setup to True.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Maintain Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

5. You can now choose whether or not to print signature lines on the Summary Application Report. (Case 883)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Summary Application report

To print signature lines on this report, set the SUMAPPHS policy in Setup to True. To omit signature lines, set this policy to False.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Setup screen > Default Settings tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Maintain Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

6. We recently added the "Is Restricted" checkbox on the Tenant Detail screen, to restrict the viewing of detailed tenant information. (Program Date: 9/20/2011; Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Is Restricted checkbox)

We have now added this field to the data dictionary, so it will appear as an available field in the Custom Report Writer program. (Case 1720)

7. We have added new rent calculations for various state subsidies. (Case 1129)
8. On the Undo Batch Certifications screen, the Undo Batch button is now disabled for any batches that have already been undone. (Case 1641)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Add icon > Batch Certifications screen > Undo Batch Certifications > Undo Batch Certifications screen

9. For tenant types receiving assistance under state programs, we have changed the Tenant Reports screen to show only reports that apply to state programs (Fraud Letter, Release of Information, Summary Application, and Totals Screen). For these tenant types, we have also added the Next Re-Certification (date) field and the Certification Type field to the Summary Application Report and to the Totals screen. (Cases 1852 and 1854)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

Bug Reports

1. When you finalized a certification for a Section 8 tenant and the Trans Code was 8, 9,10,11, or 14, the wizard would prompt you to create prorated adjustments, even though prorated adjustments are not required for these Trans Codes. This has been corrected. (Case 1028)

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

2. Expenses and allowances for live-in aids were sometimes being included in the rent calculation and the dependent calculations. A live-in aid, in accordance with HUD, should not be counted in the dependent calculation, and their income and expenses are to be excluded from the household rent calculation. This has been corrected, and the program is now properly calculating rent. (Case 830)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Household tab

3. For child care expenses, we have changed the "Child Care Expense (School)" label to "Child Care Expense (School/Looking for Work)," to reflect that this option is also used when a tenant has child care expenses that enable a family member to look for work. (Case 1630)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Expenses tab > Expense Type field: Child Care Expense

4. Long names of housing authorities were being cut off on the signature page of Form HUD-52641 (HAP Contract). This has been corrected, so that a PHA name can now be up to 45 characters long and still print fully on this form. (Case 1684)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Form HUD-52641 (Contract)

5. If you created an adjustment when completing a certification and then edited the adjustment amount, the program correctly added the adjustment to the Payment Info tab in the Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program, but it failed to update the Adjustment Next Check amount on that tab. This error caused the adjustment to be excluded from the next check run. This has been corrected. (Case 1512)

Path: Section 8 Tenant and Landlord > Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab

6. A bug prevented you from changing the voucher number on Step 2 of the Begin Certification Wizard. This has been corrected. (Case 1744)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add icon > Begin Certification Wizard: Step 2 > Voucher # field

Path: Main Menu > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Add icon > Batch Certifications screen > Existing Tenant Single Certification > Begin Certification Wizard: Step 2 > Voucher # field

7. When the program calculated the eligible member count, it failed to check the dependent relationship code. This caused the count to be off when Live-in Aids or Fosters existed in the family composition. This in turn caused an eTrans error. This has been corrected. (Case 1554)

Path: Main Menu > Tenant > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > View eTrans Record icon


Program Version:

Program Date: 12/19/2011


1. In order for Year To Date (YTD) values to show correctly, we have set a recalculation of YTD values to occur automatically on January 1 of each new year. (Case 1016)
2. We have added the new Employer Kind field in the database. This is a new IRS requirement for 2011 and is used in electronic W-2 submissions. (Case 1855)
3. For Box 12 of Form W-2, we have added additional required codes. We have also corrected an error that prevented two-character codes from printing on the form. (Case 1209)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Payroll Setup Form > Settings > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes screen > Income Types tab > "IRS Code for Box 12" field

Bug Reports

1. When you deleted a check (which requires assistance from Tenmast Support), historical data and YTD values did not recalculate correctly. This also caused an error related to individuals with multiple employee records with the same SSN. This has been corrected. (Case 548)
2. An error occurred in the NC 401K report if your agency had multiple check runs with the same check date. This has been corrected. (Case 1927)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab > Process NC 401K File button

Section 8 Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date: 6/30/2011

Bug Report

1. If you had scheduled multiple inspections for units with a certain landlord (Landlord A) and then changed the landlord for just one of those units to Landlord B (in the Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program), the landlord for all of Landlord A's scheduled inspections changed to Landlord B. This has been corrected. (Case 1745)

Path: Main Menu screen > Schedule > Schedule Inspections screen

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord

Program Version: 1.349.11.0

Program Date: 12/15/2011


1. We have changed the way you enter check adjustments for landlords. Previously, you were able to add adjustments directly and save them without any validation. This process has been replaced with the Add Adjustments wizard, which validates adjustments as they are entered. (Cases 1525 and 1526)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Add icon

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 6: Review Check Adjustments > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Add icon

2. We have added the Schedule Time column for inspections on the View Inspection For Tenant screen. (Case 1769)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > View Inspection Detail icon > View Inspection For Tenant screen

3. The Occupancy and Rent Calculation program now automatically generates a UML (Unit Months Leased) adjustment, in addition to HAP and URP, upon finalization when New to Unit is checked during the certification process. The user has the option to edit or delete the adjustment.

Users also have the ability in Section 8 Tenant and Landlord to manually capture a UML adjustment when a HAP/URP adjustment is added from either the Landlord Adjustment tab, Tenant Payment Info Tab, or during Check Processing. The adjustments for UML are related to the VMS Date and will directly affect VMS processing. (Case 940)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > Add icon > Add Adjustments Wizard: Step 1 > VMS UML Adjustment field

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Add icon > Add Adjustments Wizard: Step 1 > VMS UML Adjustment field

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 6: Review Check Adjustments > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Add icon > > Add Adjustments Wizard: Step 1 > VMS UML Adjustment field

Bug Reports

1. The Monthly Payment Tab of the Maintain Landlords screen was incorrectly including Utility Reimbursement Payments in the amounts shown. This has been corrected. (Case 1483)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Monthly Payment tab

2. The subtotals on the last page of the Section 8 Check Register (Full Detail) report were incorrect. This has been corrected. (Case 970)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Management tab

3. During check processing, the Landlord Hold Code Report and the HAP Check Adjustments Report were not filtering correctly. This has been corrected. (Case 1911)

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 5: Review Tenants on Hold > Review Hold Codes screen > Print or Preview icon > Landlord Hold Code Report

Path:  Main Menu > Checks > Check Processing screen > Step 6: Review Check Adjustments > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Print or Preview icon > HAP Check Adjustments Report

4. The VMS Gather process and the VMS Detail Report incorrectly included balance-forward adjustments and abated HAP payments. They also incorrectly included FSS Escrow Expense amounts as part of the HAP expense. These errors have been corrected. (The VMS Detail Report still shows the FSS amount, but it is not included in the HAP Expense Gather. The report will be corrected in the following releases that will complete the VMS update.) (Cases 1458, 1461, and 1462)

Path: Main Menu > VMS > Browse Voucher Management System screen > Wizard icon drop-down list > Generate VMS

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > (VMS) Voucher Management System tab > VMS Detail Report

5. When a tenant changed units and your agency had money still to be paid to the previous landlord, that money was incorrectly being paid to the new landlord, instead. This has been corrected, so that landlords are paid correctly after a unit transfer has been finalized. Any amounts owed to the previous landlord are now moved to an adjustment. (Case 814)

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab

6. If you entered a 1099 adjustment or a manual check from the Check History tab of the Maintain Landlords screen, the program failed to post Interfund Due To/Due From entries to General Ledger. In General Ledger, this caused open journal entry batches with interfund-out-of-balance errors. This has been corrected. (Case 1205)

Path: Main Menu > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check History tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Add Manual Checks or Add 1099 Adjustment

7. If two landlords had similar names, but different Tax ID Numbers (one had a Social Security Number and one had an Employee Identification Number), the information for both was sometimes combined on the Owner 1099 Totals report. This has been corrected. (Case 1138)

Path: Main Menu > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Landlords tab > Owner 1099 Totals

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/20/2011


1. The Late Fee Policy Setup has been enhanced with a Minimum Balance field and a tiered calculation. The tiered calculation will allow you to set a range on the balance and to apply one late fee if it falls within the range, another if out falls outside. (Case 1896)

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Late Fees button > Browse Late Fee Profiles screen > Maintain Late Fee Profile Setup screen > Late Fee Policies tab

Note: If you are currently set up with Custom Late Fees, you will need to update your late fee policies, because this can now be handled in the program.

2. We have added the Amount Due Running Balance column to the Tenant Account History Report. This will be useful when balancing escrow accounts and revolving accounts (repayments). (Case 1826)

Path: Main Menu > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Tools icon drop-down list > View Transaction History > Maintain View Transaction History screen > Print or Preview icon

3. We have added the Batch Processing tab to the Periodic Processing screen. This new tab contains three new wizards that will let you apply batch transactions to one or more developments and/or import a file containing charges that need to be applied to accounts. (Cases 1667, 1773, and 1774)

Path: Main Menu > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Batch Processing tab

A. The new Import Transactions Wizard allows you to import a file containing charges that need to be applied to accounts. This file can be a spreadsheet, a flat file, or a comma delimited file. (Case 1667)

Path: Batch Processing tab > Import Transactions from File button

B. The new Generate One-Time Batch Transactions Wizard allows you to apply a one-time charge to an entire development or multiple developments. (Case 1773)

Path: Batch Processing tab > Generate One-Time Batch Transactions button

C. The new Generate Recurring Batch Transactions Wizard allows you to apply a recurring charge to an entire development or multiple developments. (Case 1774)

Path: Batch Processing tab > Generate Recurring Batch Transactions button

Note: You must give users rights to use these wizards, from the Master Setup program:

Path: Main Menu > Roles > Browse Roles screen > Maintain Roles screen > Maintain Program Tasks screen > Periodic Task Group > Import Transactions from File, Generate Batch Transactions, and/or Generate Batch Recurring Transactions

Note: For more information on how to set up user security, please see the Setting Up User Security Quick Start Guide. Or, call Tenmast Support toll free at 877-359-5492.

4. We have made enhancements to the Legal Proceedings process in Tenant Accounts Receivable. (Case 1775)

A. In Setup, you can now define your own custom Legal Statuses, which you can then assign to Legal Proceeding records.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > General Settings, Development, Units tab > Legal Status button > Maintain Legal Status screen

B. In the setup of Late Fee Policies, you can still use late fees to start legal proceedings, as before. There are three new options available that will allow you to exclude these customers from statement printing, from receiving a payment, and from accumulating more late fees while they are in legal proceedings.

Path: Main Menu > Setup > Receivables Setup screen > Profiles and Policies tab > Late Fees button > Browse Late Fee Profiles screen > Maintain Late Fee Profile Setup screen > Late Fee Policies tab: Legal Proceedings section

C. On the Main Menu, there is a new Legal button that allows you to access the browse and maintain screens for customers who have legal proceedings, both open and closed. On the Maintain Legal Proceeding screen, we have added the Current Status field, which lets you assign one of the statuses your agency defined in Setup, and we have added the Notes feature, which you can access from the Notes icon. (You can also still access the Browse and Maintain Legal Proceeding screens from the Maintain Customer Information screen, as before.)

Path: Main Menu > Legal > Browse Legal Proceedings screen > Maintain Legal Proceeding screen

D. We have added the Legal Proceedings Listing report, which has various print options available to customize the report.

Path: Main Menu > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Listing tab

E. We have added a Legal Proceedings flag at the top of the Maintain Customer Information screen and at the top of the Tenant Information tab of the Tenant Management screen, which shows when there is an open legal proceeding.

Path: Main Menu > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen

Path: Main Menu > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Tenant Information tab

Bug Reports

1. When processing direct debits, the program was posting unbalanced ledger entries to General Ledger. This has been corrected. (Case 1964)

Path: Main Menu > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly Processing tab > Generate Direct Debit (ACH) button

2. The Direct Debit Bank report was returning a blank report. This has been corrected. (Case 1926)

Path: Main Menu > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Payments/Deposits tab > Direct Debit Bank Report


Program Version:

Program Date: 10/12/2011

Bug Report

1. An error would occur when TransNet tried to connect to PIC more than once during the Gather eTrans Data process. This has been corrected. (Case 1709)

Path: Main Menu > Gather

Work Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 4/21/2011

Bug Report

1. When you scheduled a preventive maintenance work order for buildings in more than one development, all buildings within that schedule were incorrectly listed under the development of the first building included. This has been corrected. (Case 1294)

Path: Main Menu > Preventive Maintenance > Browse Preventive Maintenance Schedule screen > Add icon > Add Preventive Maintenance Wizard

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